Maria : Finally, I get to teach Harry and Lee a whole lesson without them feeling each other up, all by my self! I'm going
to teach something relevant, something modern so those two idiots keep paying attention. The Internet!
*Song starts*
The internet is really really great...
Bunji : FOR PORN!
Maria : I've got a fast connection so I don't have to wait
Bunji : FOR PORN!
Maria : Huh? There's always some new site...
Bunji : FOR PORN!
Maria : I browse all day and night
Bunji : FOR PORN!
Maria : It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light!
Maria : BUNJI!
Bunji : The internet is for porn!
Maria : BUNJI!
Bunji : The internet is for porn!
Maria : What are you doing!?
Bunji : Why you think the net was born? Porn, porn, porn!
Maria : Bunn-----Ji!
Bunji : Oh, hello Maria McBigdaddy.
Maria : You are ruining my song
Bunji : Oh me sorry, me no mean to...
Maria : Well if you wouldnt mind please being quiet for a minute so i can finish?
Bunji : Me no talkie.
Maria : Good
I'm glad we have this new technology
Bunji : FOR PORN!...opps
Maria : Which gives us untold opportunity
Bunji : FOR POR...opps, sorry.
Maria : Right from you own desktop
Bunji : FOR....
Maria : You can research browse and shop, Until you've had enough and your ready to stop
Bunji : FOR PORN!
Maria : BUNJI!
Bunji : The internet is for porn!
Maria : Noooooooo...
Bunji : The internet is for porn!
Maria : BUNJI!
Bunji : Me up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn!
Maria : That's gross! You're a pervert!
Bunji : Ah, sticks and stones Maria.
Maria : NO really, your a pervert. Normal people don't sit at home and look at porn on the internet.
Bunji : Ohhhh?
Maria : What?
Bunji : You have no idea.....Ready normal people?
Bear Walken : Ready!
Dr. T : Ready!
Zell : Ready!
Big Daddy : Ready!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : The internet is for porn!
Big Daddy : Sorry Maria!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : The internet is for porn!
Big Daddy : I masturbate!
Bunji : All these guys unzip their flies For...
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : Porn, porn, porn!
Maria : The internet is not for porn!!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : PORN! PORN! PO...
Bunji : Hmm?
Maria : Now i know for a fact that you, Bear, check your portfolio and trade stocks online
Bear : That's correct.
Maria : And Zell, you buy things on Amazon.com
Zell : Ah yeah I do mate...
Maria : And Dr. T, you sell dead bodies on E-Bay!
Dr. T. : Yes I Do!
Maria : And Big Daddy, you sent me that sweet online birthday card.
Big Daddy : True....
Bunji : But Maria, what you think he do AFTER...hmm....?
Big Daddy : Yeah...
Maria : ....EWWWWWW!!!!!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : The Internet Is For Porn!
Maria : Gross!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : The Internet Is For Porn!
Maria : I HATE PORN!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : Grab your dick and double click!
Maria : I hate you men!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : For porn, porn, porn!
(harmonizing) porn, porn, porn, porn
Maria : I'm leaving!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : Porn, porn, porn, porn porn, porn, porn, porn !
Maria : I hate the internet!
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : Porn, porn, porn, porn!
Bunji : The internet is for
Bunji, Zell, and Bear : The internet is for
Bunji, Zell, Bear, Big Daddy, Dr. T. : The internet is for PORN!
Bunji : YEAH!