HX : Well, we were going to a WWFD, but well...
HB : We decided against it. So instead we bring to you our glorious rip off of Pokemon...
HX : Gravemon! I hope it's better than our previous rip offs.
*Cue theme song*
Singer #1 : I wanna be the very best, like no-one ever was!
*View to scene where Mika is punting Spike*
Singer 2 : To catch them is my very Test, to train them is my cause!
*Scene to where Bear Walken is throwing a Gravemonball at a Billysaur*
HB : Aww, to hell with the rest of the song, just get on with the damn show.
*The show*
Mika : *Wakes up* Ahh....a late night of drinking before my big day..*and checks clock*....AND I'M LATE! SHIT!!!!
*Get's dressed and runs out, to professor HBHX's Gravemon lab*
Professor HBHX : Aaaaaaannnndddd.....the retard's late!
Mika : Shut up, you're not a real doctor anyway.
Prof :.......Look, do you want a Gravemon or not?
Mika : ...Yes...
Prof : Ok, well, here's three Gravemon, here on this table. *Points to three Graveballs*, choose one....
Mika : Oh---
Prof : AFTER my favorite character chooses first. Your rival...Bear Walken.
*Bear walks in wearing a Gi, the badass sunglasses, and a backpack for random stuff.*
Bear : I'm Bear Walken...and you're not.
Prof : Ok, choose your Gravemon, Bear Walken.
*Bear Walken chooses...BALLADBIRD LEEMANDER*
Mika : Damn! That's what I was going to choose! Well...I'll take this one.
*Mika chooses....GRAVEACHU!!!*
Bear : Ha ha...your Gravemon sucks. Let's battle to see how they work, because I'm Bear Walken. Go Leemander!
*Leemander appears*
Lee : Lee Lee, I likea men, Lee Lee.
Mika : Go Graveachu!
*Graveachu appears*
Grave : .........
Prof : Dear Lord, that is the most vulgar speaking Gravemon I've ever heard.
Mika : Fricking awesome! Grave, attack with....uhh...use swear!
Graveachu : ........
Balladbird *uneffected*
Mika : Crap! He can't hear it!
Bear : Leemander, use needle thingie....
Leemander : *Throws needles...one hits in Graveachu's left eye...and misses*
Mika : Ahh! He doesn't have a left eye! Graveachu, use Coffin barrage!
Graveachu : *Swings coffin*
Lee : *Get's hit. It's super effective! Lee faints*
Bear : Eh...crap. I will beat you next time....*Hands over Yen, and lesbo porn*
Mika : Yeah! We're going to be the best of friends, Graveachu! Let's begin our journey to be Gravemon masters!
Prof : I have a feeling this will not end well....ahh, who cares.
Mika : Let's go!
*Mika and Graveachu begin their...legendary journey to be Gravemon masters!!!!*
*End theme*