*OK, Billy's secret time!*
Billy : My secret is....
Mika : You're gay!
Billy : No...actually...I'm a ghost!
Mika : Wow...that's anti-climatic.
Andersoneotto : I feel like I got jipped, lass. I wants me cash back!
Graveachu : .........
Billy : Wow...that's offensive.
Mika : Can you....understand him?
Billy : Of course! I speak gravenese.
Mika : Wow. Anyway, let's battle!
Billy : Err....well, I give up!
Mika : Yay....er....what?
Billy : You see...I never really had any Gravemon. Being a ghost and all. So, I'll give you the gym badge!
Mika : Oh! Great!
Billy : Anyway, I'm going to head off with you guys on your adventure.
Andersoneotto : Won't that cause a disruption with the league?
Billy : Well....it's run by monkeys. So, no, not really.
Garino : Hey! The league isn't run by monkeys!
Herb : *throws poo at Garino*
Garino : You are getting SUCH a spanking!
*Back to where we were....where were we?*
Billy : So, let's go! Who knows, maybe you'll run into Team Little Yellow Bus so they can be your rivals!
Mika : Ok, let's go!
Andersoneotto : I hate you, deamons.
Grave : ........
Narriator : So, our heroes have gained a new friend! Now, what adventure lays ahead!
.....Probably something crappy.
Join us next time!
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