Cerberus Overdose......A Gungrave fansite

Garino Creale Corsione

This is one messed up guy...

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Garino Creale Corsione


Yeah, that's him...

Ok, this is Garino...
He's the Don's adopted son and a genius.  He runs research and development for the Corsione crime family.
He's responsible for the return of the Orgmen.
He's the head of the Necrolization Project for the Corsione Family...
Spoilers: Highlight to view...
He made a clone of himself, that clone is Spike
He's also a pain to beat at the end (For HellXell. For Bastion...not as much)
He does help save Mika at the end of the game
He turns Don into an Orgman.
He is also the one who revived Juji from the dead, experimented on him, and injected him with SEED. Then threw him away. He's sooo nice.
He is also the only one who can command Fangoram.....
Oh, did we mention he was really funny as Billy's alternate costume?

Back to the character profiles...

Not only is this guy a rich genous, but he also supports the Lakers, Yankees, Red Sox, Mike Tyson, and Jeff Gordon......yeah....he's THAT evil.