Obviously, Mr. Farber. You didn't know about Bunji and Zell.
Bunji : Zell, this has to be the dumbest idea you have ever done! Are you drunk?
Zell : Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?
Bunji : Good point. I guess to make myself feel more important. Boosts the self-esteem.
Zell : Oh. I didn't know. Anyway, we should probably start writing the greatness that will be our novel.
Bunji : Just because you were inspired by those two teenage twin brothers who wrote a book, and actually got it published.
Zell : Yeah. So, in my drunken rage, I made a sammich. After that, I got this idea to write a book, and include you, because
I can't do anything by myself. I'm so co-dependent.
Bunji : Yes you are. But Zell, don't you know how hard it is to write a book? I mean, it takes years of dedication. It
takes a lot of money too. And do you have any of that sammich left? I'm starving.
Zell : I think there might be some left, but we have to wait until after the cameos for that.
Don : I'm Don.
Johnny Damon : I'm Jesus.
Sherry : *Bust making out with Maria*
Zell : I'm Zell.
Bunji : You're in this one, you moron!
Juji : I'm not wearing pants!
Bunji : Ok, I think we got them all.
Zell : Ok, now I think that's the last...
Mika : Tentacle porn, mate!
Bunji : I said I think we have all the cameos!
Herb : ...
Bunji : No!
Herb : ....Aww...
Bunji : Alright, now, since it was your idea to write a book Zell, what the hell were you thinking it should be about?
Zell : I was thinking....epic love story. Set in the ancient days, between this guy named Zellucles, who was a an epic
soldier, and this woman Bunjilena, who was a poor servant girl for the king. And in the end, their nightwish to be together
would come true. In Finland.
Bunji : ......Hold on, I need to see if my brain still works after that......nope.....wait, yep, it's still there, and
in pain. Lots, and lots of pain.
Zell : I knew you would say that. Isn't it awesome?
Bunji : Why the hell is the female named Bunjilena? That's kind of....not cool.
Zell : Why? You think because it's....gay!
Bunji : No, not really. Just hellaretarded.
Zell : So, are you not a fan of epic love stories?
Bunji : It's not that I'm not a fan, it's the fact that I'm not a complete moron. So how about no.
Zell : Aww....damn. Well, so, no love stories?
Bunji : Ok....we'll do the love story, but for the love of Ra, I'll rename these people.
Zell : Alright mate, works for me. Let's call it, "Ghostbusters".
Bunji : I don't think that would fly all to well with Bill Murray. How about, "Epic Love Maneuver"?
Zell : I think that may just be the best name ever. But can the main characters be women?
Bunji : Dear lord yes!
Zell : Alright! Let's get writing. And by "let's", I mean you, while I supply the alcohol.
Bunji : I don't know how you make me do this, but one day, I'll get my revenge.
Zell : Shut it and get writing, worker monkey.
*Two hours later*
Zell : So Bunji, how much have we gotten done?
Bunji : About three cases of Fosters.
Zell : Awesome, keep up the work!
*Ten hours later*
Zell : So Bunji, have we written anything?
Bunji : Hmm....let me check...no. Hand me another beer, and let me see if anything appears then.
*Two months later*
Zell : So Bunji, how much do we have written?
Bunji : Well, so far, we have this, "I don't want the world, I just want your half."
Zell : Awesome! We're nearly done!
*Half hour later*
Bunji : Done! Three hundred pages of drunken literature is complete!
Zell : *Peeing on the the tree in the corner* Alright! Now we can go to the publisher! And hopefully there they'll have
a bathroom.
Bunji : Umm, Zell? We have a bathroom here too.
Zell : Yeah, but it's currently occupied by Herb and Garino, so like Hell I'm using that anytime soon.
Bunji : God point. Remind me to not go in there until we make Sherry clean it out.
*At the Publishers*
Zell : Alright Mr. Publisher, we have here for you our epic love maneuver, simply titled "Epic Love Maneuver".
Bunji : Yeah, it's written completely with the passion of our souls, and the influence of beer and wine coolers.
Publisher : .....O....K...let me see what it looks like. Umm....every other sentence reads "I am so fecking boozed
up right now".
Zell : Yeah, that's the wine coolers talking there.
Publisher : Yeah...we're going to have to edit this. Come back in about two weeks, ok?
Zell : Alright, that'll about be the same time we sober up.
*Two weeks later*
Bunji : Alright, how does it look?
Publisher : Well, if you take away all of the alcohol references, it's quite possibly the finest work of art ever!
Zell : Wait, you took out all the references? Can you slip in a few of them?
Publisher : No.
Bunji : Just one?
Publisher : In the Author's note.
Bunji : I think we have a deal.
Zell : Can we have the ink be made with beer?
Publisher : I don't think that is even possible.
Zell : Well, you work on publishing that, I'll work on the beer/ink hybrid.
*20 minutes later*
Mansion : *In fire*
Zell : Well, who knew that the two were so combustible?
Bunji : You learn something new every day.
Zell : Well, maybe I shouldn't have drinkened it. That's where the trouble started. I was peeing fire, literally. I mean,
I never knew that fire could shoot out of my winky dink.
Bunji : I could have gone without having to hear that. But hey, the publisher called and said that it's fresh off the
printers. We have a book signing this Saturday.
Zell : All right! Hopefully we'll become rich and maybe find some ladies there too.
*At the Book signing*
Zell : Hello? Is there anyone there that wants to buy or books? Hello?
Bunji : Zell, we've got a crowd of people here at our booth. Get out of the employee bathroom and you'll see them.
Zell : Hey, there were no urinals in there.
Bunji : I think it was the female bathroom...wait, sorry, never mind. You were in the shemale bathroom.
Zell : Wow...there's a new one. It did smell like roses though.
Bunji : You know Zell, It's near the end of this episode, and we haven't destroyed anything yet. You thinking what I'm
Zell : Alcohol and guns?
Bunji : Damn straight.