Mika : OK, I'm finally ready to to get my...what badge is it?
Billy : I think it's the Cascade badge. But due to copyright laws, we'll call it the Cascaid badge.
Mika : With an I! Take that 4kids!
Andersoneotto : I am not involved in this lawsuit, alright?
Mika : Too late.
Andersoneotto : Crap. I'm owned my Geneon! Geneon!!!
Billy : 4Kids knows not of it. They just wish to take over the world of Anime and make it crappy to all but three months
Grave : .......!?!....
Billy : Damn straight.
Harry : Oh, hello. Are you here to challenge me? It's about damn time I was back on the site. I hope I don't die again....I'm
going to die again, aren't I?
Andersoneotto : Ohhhhh yeah.
Harry : Wonderful. Anyway, let's fight! Go, Bob Poundmax-achomp.
Bob : Hey Harry, I'm kind of hungry. Can I kill and eat them?
Harry : *Evil Smile, like some sort of game villian that doesn't die in one shot.* OK.
Mika : Go Andersoneotto!
Anderson : What in the hell, woman? Why do I have to fight fatass over there?
Bob : Big-Boned!
Anderson : Yes, that chicken bone in your ass looks good on you, fatass. Your mother called, she wants her moobs back,
Billy : OH SNAP!
Bob : It's ON!
Harry : Bob, use milk!
Andersoneotto : Hell no! Keep your shirt on, I think it might violate the decency laws of this city.
Bob : Aww....
Mika : Andersoneotto! Use chainwhip!
Andersoneotto : Alright! *Uses whips, which are eaten like Spaghetti by Bob.*
Bob : Mmm...It neaded sauce.
Mika : What the damn?!
Billy : dear lord, I hope that chain was poisoned.
Johnny Damon : Ask, and ye shall receive!
Mika, Andersoneotto, and Billy : Yay!
Harry : Jesus?
Bob : Aww, damn. *Heart Attack* *It's super effective!*
Mika : Graveachu, use triple rocket attack!
Graveachu : *Points coffin at Harry, fires*
Harry : Aww....damns. *Explodes*
Mika : *Pillages Harry's bodies, grabs Cascaid badge* Alright! Now let's go before the cops come!
Billy : I'm way ahead of ya!