*Cut to Zell, along in the Kitchen*
Zell *Singing to the tune of "Real American"* : I am a real Australian! Fight for the rights of every beer!
I am a real Australian! Fight for your strife, fight for your blight!
Random Merc : *Guitar riff*
Bunji : Zell, can we talk to you please? It's important, and it requires you wearing pants.
Zell : Underoos too?
Sherry : Nah, those are optional.
Zell : *Walks into living room* OK, whatcha need?
Fangoram : Dammit Zell, Pants. Wear pants!
Zell : I refuse to wear pants, for they restrict on my 24 kilometer wing-wang.
Bunji : Zell, we don't use the metric here...
Zell : OK, 15 miles, ok?
Bunji : Anyways, Zell, we think you have a problem.
Zell : Darn right I do! I'm out of beer!
Sherry : No, seriously Zell. You have a drinking problem.
Zell : Am I drinking anything right now?
Fangoram : ....No...
Zell : Exactly. That's because I have no beer! Now who wants to get me some beer before my random Merc's guitar solo ends?
Bunji : Not it!
Zell : Not it!
Sherry : Not it!
Zell : Not it!
Fangoram : Not.....shit. Fine.
Bunji : Wait, what? Zell, did you just get us to get you beer?
Zell : Yeah, I'm good like that. Final Boss powers!*Nothing happens*
Sherry : Umm....Zell...
Zell : Yeah...It worked. It made me grow another ten penis inches.
Bunji : Man, I really need to get those final boss powers...
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