Narrator : When we last left off, we were all mental disturbed at the image of Steve Downes in a bikini, and Grave killed
a lot of things. Typical.
Leeasaur : Hey, bodyless voice, shut the crap up.
Andersoneotto : ......Hey everyone, look, we've arrived at Maiden's Peak. I don't exactly know why we're here, but here
we are.
Billy : I don't know why we're here either. This place sucks ass.
Mika : Why don't you like this place Billy? Did you die here?
Billy : No...
Lee : Did you tell a bad lie here?
Billy : Not to my recollection.
Grave : .................
Anderson : Then, I shall have to ask you why you don't like here?
Billy : Would you guys stop rhyming, it's freaking me out...even more so than normal.
Anderson : Well, what the hell happened, ghost?
Billy : Well, once upon a time....Hey, who is that fine piece of legs, breasts, and ass?
Lee : Who, that attractive girl by the seashore?
*Attractive girl by the seashore glances at Billy, and waves. Billy, like all men, blushes.*
Mika : Hey look, Billy's blushing!
Anderson : Better check to see if she has a penis!
Billy : .....I will kill you dead. Like, Tupac dead.
Mika : He's dead?
Billy : ....I don't know. No one's ever figured that out. I'd guess....maybe.
Mika : You're a ghost, shouldn't you know?
Billy : Johnny Damonew doesn't even know that.
Johnny : That's right! I sure don't! *Disappears.*
Billy : Did we just see....
Anderson : Yes, we saw it. Move on.
Billy : But....
Lee : Shut up, and let's keep going. I hear there is a party in town.
Grave : ............
Lee : No Grave, you will not show the female Gravemon your "Extra-Large Coffin for stuff. Mainly sexual relations."
Mika : Yeah...I wonder if that was very, very obvious towards that giant coffin on your back.
Grave : .....*Thumbs up*
Mika : Yeah, let's get hammered.
Zelltwo : Amen!
Billy : Maybe...I'll go find that fine piece of ass that winked at me earlier....and hope it ain't a tranny. Awright!
Lee : 5 bucks says yes!
Billy : I hate you guys. I mean, not like regular hate, but like hate-hate.
Steve Downes : Man....why can't we get any screen time?
Black Widow : Because we're the Team Rocket parody in this show....
Master Chiefeowth : Master Chiefowth that's right!
Steve : Shut the hell up! Jesus hates you!
Johnny : That's right! *Disappears*
Steve : The crap? Did we just see...
BW : Yes. Shut up and move on.
Master Chief : ........
BW : Yes, silent, calm, and collected. Just like Master Chief.
Steve : But...hey, look, there is an attractive girl by the seashore!
*Attractive girl at the seashore flashes Steve Downes*
Steve : Holy Nipbags!
MCeowh : ...Damn.
BW : Come on! Those boobs suck! I have better boobs than her!
Steve : never flash us....
MCeowth : Are you trying to get her to slap us?
Steve : No, I'm trying to get her to flash us her boobs.
Steve : Eh, I tried.
Billy : Yeah, this festival is fun...but it sucks.
Mika : No, you suck.
Billy : No, I'm pretty sure you do.
Mika : Well, why don't you go be depressed over that girl somewhere else!
Billy : I can't help it! I was attracted by her beauty!
Lee : Was she born with it? Or was it Maybelline?
Anderson : Or maybe she is a ghostly abomination of God?
*Everyone looks at Andersoneotto.*
Anderson : What? I mean, come on! She flashed the dude from Team XBox 360.
Mika : Wait...we didn't see that...
Anderson : Well....uh....I ditched you guys just to catch her.
Billy : I want to see her boobies too! *Runs away.*
Lee : 5 bucks she has a penis. Any takers? Yosh!
Steve : Soo.....I'm go find that girl. See ya!
Steve : Yeah...but....boobs. Later!
*A midnight scene, near the water*
Steve : I've come back for you! I want see more boobs!
Billy : Ive come for you! I want to see boobs!....and to make sure you don't have a penis.
Mysterious girl : *giggle, giggle, giggle. wave*
Steve : So....where are the boobs? I have paid money for boobs.
Billy : Really? Who?
Steve : That guy over there.
Mysterious Figure : Hi! 5 bucks a piece! 1 boob - 5 dollars. 2 boobs - 10 dollars. 3 boobs - 15 dollars.
Billy : 3 boobs?
MF : You never know? Na no da.
Steve : I'll pay to see 3 boobs!
Billy : More importantly...does she have a penis?
MF : Yes.
Billy : Aww hell, I'm leaving! *Walks away.*
Steve : Really?
MF : No, he just didn't look like he had cash. He's a ghost after all.
Steve : Cool....soooo....boobs?
MF : ....right, right...boobs.
*Mysterious Girl flashes Steve*
Steve : Hell yeah!
*Throws Pink Bunny at Steve....and it's super effective!*
Anderson : Did...he just hit him with a pink bunny? That's....kinda gay. Gravitation gay.
Lee : Yeah, thanks for giving away where the guy is from, dumbass.
Grave : .............
Mika : Now, we'll probably encounter him in the next all new episode of Gravemon!
MF : I can hear you guys....
Mika : Hey look, boobs! *Points...and they run away!*
NARRATOR : Well, Mika and the group escape a weird situation...but, just who was this mysterious girl?
MF : Ok, that's for the help. You can go now.
Girl : Alright, where's my share of the profits?
MF : KUMAGORO BEAM!!!! *Knocks her out and runs away.*
Narrator : Ok, well, join us next time for the next exciting episode of Gravemon!
Back to Gravemon!