To Page Two!
To page 3!
Well, here it is...a place for your messages. You send them from the front page, and we'll put them up here, with a little
comment after it. if we feel like it.
And sign your name with the message, so we know who it's coming from.
And now, the messages...
From someone : this site is badass so far. Us
: We know, we know...
From another person with no name : There are fan sites in English - you just
may not like them. ^_^ Us : There is? Send the damn link. We wanna see them. We're serious.
? : STARS!!!!!!! Us : STRIPES!!!1! Yeah, we're stars, we know it. We rule... ok, maybe not...
From a person : tell Xell if he has a cold use vicks vapor rub if he has a flu drink fluids if he
has a hangover then dont friggin drink too much HellXell : Thanks for the tips. I had a nasty case of
the flu. It sucked royally. But I'm better now, thanks.
From....probably some guy named nukka : this site is gay as fuck peace out nigga you know
From - Probably Nukka again : This site sucks my balls and penis.
Us : Wonderful.
Nice to know you technically have them. Now stop jamming them into the computer screen....that just isn't healthy.
- Defintely nukka. Because he said it himself. : yo, i wont lie this site is JAPanime shit, that only a scrapy homless
dawg would chow down on.
from big nukka man.
Us : More wise words from Big Nukka tha Horse
fukka. Thank you, you've proven yourself to be not only an idiot, a dipshit who can't spell even if his soul was on the line,
but a racist too. Good for you.
From - Mr. C. Zysk, the great evil : HX you cheap fuck, spam on somebody else.
HX :
HB : Now that's just good, old clean wholesome fun.
Us : Thank you....we do put effort into that crazy stuff you's nice to know that people like
From - ? : Hi
Us : Hello.
From - ZS : WOO HOO! You guys hit 2000 visitors! W00T!
: How about Fangoram vs. Tripod?
Us : Thank you! It's nice to know we're being noticed on the web!
: I don't think Fangoram vs. Tripod would be good......until we get
our own domain, that is. So until you see "Cerberus"
please, be patient.
From - Unknown....: You guys need to put up a message board, so we can talk about how great the site is!
Keep up the good work!
Us : We're working on the message board thing! Expect to see it up soon!
From - Someone who may or may not be human : grave rocks
Us : Yes. He does.
From - the same guy : grave rocks
Us : Yes, he probably r0x0rs ur b0x0rs.
From - Somebody.....: This page is lookin good, can't wait till its fully done.
Us : Yeah, we think it looks good too....and we can't wait for this site to get finished either....come on Mexcan Immigrents...get
going, or no green card!
From Damion : I think its kewl your making a gungrave fansite
hope things easier for you than it did my site
Us : You had a site? Why didn't we know? I mean, come on. We just want to know if we're not alone in this. And that
wasn't a cheap X-Files joke. Because X-Files jokes suck.
P.S. : Thanks for the compliment.
From Azure9 : Yo, it's Azure9 from TvTome.
I've been thinking recently that a forum would be great with this site,
as there needs to be a better place than my guide's forum for fans to
Plus, since G4 is shafting the community by not consistently airing new
episodes, the community isn't growing that much.
Thus, if there's at least one specific place everyone can go, there's
at least a better likelihood people will bother to care.
But hey, that's me, and I'm outtie.
Lovingly Fangoram's, Azure9.
HX : Azure's an outie? I'm an innie, How about you HB?
HB : All I know is that I have a moose co......
HX : OK! Moving on......
Us : Yeah, thanks for that message. We're getting started on the Forum. When we're not watching Homestar Runner and
8-Bit Theater.
From some guy? : that would be cool
Us : What?...ok....?
HX : Maybe he's talking about me.
: No he's not.
HX : I know...
From ZS: 8-Bit Theater R0x0rS Y0uR B0x0rS
HX : You bet
your ass.
HB : You got that damn straight.
From ? : Fangoram: MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!
bunji: He said ******big god damn retard, just add 13 more sailor curse
words dolphin chirps
and kool aid and thats what grave said
Us : Riiiiiiight.
HB : Message board supporter?
: Yeah...what the hell. Why not.
From Y'all : Hey ya'll, Nice pagey ya'll got here. I'm from TN ya'll. So
I say ya'll alot ya'll.Anyways, I made this AMV wigh Gungrave and put it up on my page, AND I
just happened to use
your cool sunglasses picture for my Bunji video since I couldn't find good GG pics anywhere. So like thanks ya'll. come by
and watch it if you have time. ya'll come back now ya hear? YA'LL!!!!
Us : That's
a great site. Click the link above, y'all.
From disgrunteled Gamespot member #5501 : Since you don't allow
freedom of speech on gamespot, I wondered whether I could post it here. From this day on, your new name
will be Mr
Hostile. Like, you smell of poo or something.
HB : Trying not ..... to laugh....failing horribly.....must
resist.....BWA HA HA HA HA HA.....
HX : Now that's just messed up.
Us : Sorry, but this is just too funny.
We mean, he's using insults a 5 year-old would deem yeah, try not to laugh too hard, ya'll....
a person : when does the evil of tripod release its grip from you guys?
Us : Whenever we get off our lazy asses and
get our own domain name. Which should be soon. If we get off our lazy asses. Which soon. Hopefully.
Maybe. In your lifetime.
From Merci again : A forum/message board might be interesting. How about a tag board? Still love checking
back here, guys. Thanks for the many updates!
Us : Thanks for the suggestions. But....Tag Board + Us = A grand mess.....which is responsible for the next Cuban revolution.
HX : Damn that Castro!
HB : Damn that Castrol!
From Samantha : These novices get downright NAUGHTY AND NASTY! [April 28, 2005]
Us : What the crap...?
HX : HB, they better not be talking about us...and stop looking up that porn all ready!
HB : It wasn't me this time!
HX : This time?!?
HB : Ehh.....err.......hey! Look! A cuban missile crisis!
HX : That's it, you're no longer able to watch 13 Days starring Kevin Costner!
HB : Actually, it was Last Action Hero with Bob Saget and Gimpy the one armed monkey. Good stuff.
Hx : That's just mean. You might offend the one armed monkeys. Bob Saget, well he does suck though.
HB : Bob Saget is the Last action hero! Shouldn't we be moving on though....
HX : Yesh we should.....
From someone that actually surfs the web : There is a site actually in English -
Us : Holy freaking crap! We're not alone!
HX : Well...until we buy them out and or kill them.
HB : We'll just have to outperform them....and given our ability of performing.....we may be fucked. Eh, we'll keep fighting
the good Gungrave-related fight, and...well....hopefully not suck. And if all else fails, we'll just bash Big Nukka tha Horse
Fukka some more to make us feel good about ourselves.
From some other guy...maybe : fangoram vs DBZ i just thought about it cuz they both
speak broken engrish or better yet since fangorams voice suks how about
he kills them fangoram vs voice actors
Us : Yeah...we'll keep that one in mind...maybe....Then we'll go after Yu-Gi-Oh...freaking bastards...
From Unholy_nny : A forum would be cool.....
Us : Damn we just need to actually make it. We're too freaking lazy.
Us : We do have a banner or 3! Unfortunatly, we mispelled "Stewart", so we'll just have to fix that. However, the other
two are in the "Links" page of our site. And we'll be happy to advertise your banner here as well.
Oh, and HB finds the picture featuring the gun with the condom absolutly hilarious.
From Alucard fanboy'd : You know who: alucard should be graves stunt double
Us : Umm...we'll think about it...? Actualy, Lee looks more like Alucard, but still...
From the same person : You know who: alucard should be graves stunt double
Us : Umm...ok?
HB : Didn't we already answer this?
HX : He really must want Alucard to be in it.
From..well take a guess : You know who: alucard should be graves stunt double
Us : Ok, we get the hint!
From a concerned viewer : In addition to a new forum, could you guys brighten up
the site and maybe change the layout. It looks kinda boring at the
moment to be completely honest.
Us : Trust us, we want to change, but Tripod doesn't give us that many choices. The other layot features clowns, and
that was way too freaky. It made Zell cry. Poor guy...
From Rob : Hey this site is awesome I just found it in computer
class one day and I'm glad there's a gungrave fan site finally and you
guys are some of the hillarious people I've ever heard
US : Wow...we've been heard...wait that isn't right.....
HX : Are we being stalked again?
HB : No, we have that restraining order on Michael Jackson and the creepy Burger King guy....
HX : Now why can't we be stalked by like, hot girls our age that like anime?...or atleast modestly hot ones...
HB : Because they are a figment of your the Tooth Fairy.
HX : The Tooth Fairy doesn't exist?!? My life is a lie!!!
HB : Well, at least you haven't dressed up as Darth Vader in a thong. Then you were be a fuckstick.
HX : My rods! And to a lesser extent, my cones!!
HB : What....what were we talking about again?
HX : I dunno....behold, the wonders of ADD....oh, a butterfly! *Runs off*
HB : Moving on in a british accent.....yes, we are awesome. And we have the egos to prove it, chap. Now the tea is getting
cold, so nevermind the bullocks.
From A crazy person : I think that someone should make a friggin full blown
Us : Isn't this a Gungrave site?
HX : What part of "Gungrave fansite" does this person not get?
HB : Apparently, the site part. Or maybe teh fan part. Or maybe none of it. Yeah, that one.
From ? : Aw geeze, you love Fangorum that much! ^_^ We will put him in our next book- we promise. And no mansex- will
that be even better. ^___^
Us : What the crap? Who is this? Is this Yasuhiro Nightow? Please, whoever sent this one, tell us who you are!
And if you're a female, HX wants a picture of you. HB wishes he was making that part up.....but he's not. HX really is
that desperate.